Your dream bathroom

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About us

We supply sanitary equipment for bathrooms, focused on customers with high requirements not limited to appearance but also product quality and durability. Baths (with the possibility of included hydromassage systems), basins, toilets, bidets, but also various accessories (shelves, tiling, colored ribbons for tiling, soap holders, toothbrush holders and towel rails) are made of a material based on natural stone and a synthetic resin.

It's easy to select appearance and color exactly according to your wishes: an artificial Marble with a structure similar to natural marble, Onyx with a translucent effect or Granite with dotted structure of natural granite.

For kitchen countertops, kitchen tables, bank and bar counters and lab tables we recommend Granatex material, its texture and color has countless combinations.

Additionally we offer our customers assistance with interior design: just provide us with a layout of your bathroom or other spaces for which we will produce the optimal design.

Thanks to our technology, we are able to manufacture our products in any dimension and create wide variety of shapes. That is why we are often sought after for building reconstructions, such as hotels, sanatoriums, guest houses, banks, apartments (as well as in prefabricated buildings) and houses.

Spolupracujeme také s firmami vyrábějícími další předměty do koupelen i jiných interiérů: s dodavateli nábytku, koupelnových baterií, obkladových materiálů i zástěn do sprchových koutů. Tato spolupráce však výhradně závisí na volbě našich zákazníku, kterým rádi v co největší míře vyhovíme.

We also cooperate with companies producing not only bathroom equipment: suppliers of furniture, bathroom batteries, lining materials and screens for shower enclosures.

All the products of our company are provided with a Declaration of Conformity in accordance with § 13 of the Act E.22 / 1997 Coll., On technical requirements for products and government regulation § 8 e. 178/1997 Coll., Laying down technical requirements for construction products.